On Fri, Dec 03, 2010 at 03:55:07PM -0500, Carlos Smith wrote:
> Well, the way we are doing it is, in the Project settings, build tab,
> we turn off "Shadow build:", then it appears to respect the paths in
> the .pro files, as so:
> Release:LIBS += ../../../../build/lib/release/libCustomWidgetLib.a
> Release:DESTDIR = ../../../../build/bin/release
> Release:OBJECTS_DIR = ../../../../build/bin/release/.obj/$$TARGET
> Release:MOC_DIR = ../../../../build/bin/release/.moc/$$TARGET
> Release:RCC_DIR = ../../../../build/bin/release/.rcc/$$TARGET
> Release:UI_DIR = ../../../../build/bin/release/.ui/$$TARGET
> Debug:LIBS += ../../../../build/lib/debug/libCustomWidgetLib.a
> Debug:DESTDIR = ../../../../build/bin/debug
> Debug:OBJECTS_DIR = ../../../../build/bin/debug/.obj/$$TARGET
> Debug:MOC_DIR = ../../../../build/bin/debug/.moc/$$TARGET
> Debug:RCC_DIR = ../../../../build/bin/debug/.rcc/$$TARGET
> Debug:UI_DIR = ../../../../build/bin/debug/.ui/$$TARGET
> We add these ourselves, they don't come from the project wizard, but
> qmake seems to respect them.  Of course you change them to wherever
> you want your build, libs etc.

That's not the right way to make variable assignments depend on 'debug'
or 'release', see http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qmake-common-projects.html

It's something like

     CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
         TARGET = debug_binary
     } else {
         TARGET = release_binary

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