On Friday 10 June 2011 15:10:23 René Jahn wrote:
> > You guys wrote those building docs that are in the wiki? I suppose you
> > don’t know how current system works? Current building doc would need
> > complete
> > overhaul...
> My doc was about Building Qt Jambi with MSVC++ 2008 Express...
> The current docu at: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-jambi/pages/BuildingFromGit
> looks different and has more chapters....

Okay... That link doesn’t work for me, but I have also no idea who has written 
it. That wiki is obsolete and I’ll remove content from there at some point as 
there are 
already material in our site.

I’ve seen... one edit in past year to that wiki, and it was done by me. So I 
don’t think Wiki really suits to us. Qt DevNet provides a wiki too, if someone 
wants to write 
some content and not have it our website (I’ll include all material I can and 
fits to the site)

> After the Jambi repository was available, Eskil gave us a "first" docu system 
> and we used what was available!
> There was no community!

Yeah, well, now we’re at the point we’ll get proper build system, have proper 
website and documentation coming up, and a bug tracker. That sometimes is even 
getting used. :) Always ground to improve things though... It’d been lots 
easier if there was someone who actually had done some work with the code base 
telling me 
how things are and such. 

> What about the current system?

Our website ( http://qt-jambi.org ) is (too) slowly getting rewritten over self 
built rails app instead of that Wordpress thingy, the test website is not up at 
the moment as 
my computer keeps crashing...

Anyway, back to the topic, http://qt-jambi.org/material/building/ this dates 
some months back and doesn’t reflect all newest changes. But basically it works 
like that. 
QTDIR is still “supported”, but I don’t favor builds with it as I have no idea 
how and when and what in Qt repos changes. Qt 5 will break it completely, as 
repos are 
going modular. Or was that for 4.8 even?
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