On 22/04/2010, at 6:16 PM, ext Pertti Kellomäki wrote:
> I tried out QML internationalization, following the example at 
> <http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/qdeclarativei18n.html>.  
> Translations work fine with "qml -translation", but it seems that the 
> qml viewer does not do locale based automatic lookup of translations, 
> like in the arrowpad example in Qt sources.

The viewer is an odd mix of runtime and testing tool at the moment, and the 
translation support definitely fits into the 'testing' category. As the runtime 
aspect improves, I think it would make sense to support locale-base lookup; 
I've added http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTBUG-10128 to investigate 
what would be entailed.

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