A further question on internationalization. I have translations for 
test.qml in a file called test_fi_FI.qm, and I can verify that it works 
by running the qml viewer as

    qml -translation test_fi_FI.qm test.qml

I tried to make my own qml viewer locale aware, and following the 
arrowpad example I have this piece of code:

     QString locale = QLocale::system().name();
     QString translationFile = 
QString(QString(argv[1]).replace(QRegExp(".qml$"), "_") + locale);
     std::cerr << "Translations in " << translationFile.toStdString() << 
     QTranslator translator;
     if (translator.load(translationFile)) {
       std::cerr << "Succesfully loaded translations." << std::endl;
     } else {
       std::cerr << "Error loading translations." << std::endl;

When I run test.qml with my viewer, it reports that loading of 
translations went ok, but it still shows the non-translated text.

I looked at the qml view code, and the only significant difference I 
spotted is that I explicitly create the QDeclarativeEngine and use 
QDeclarativeComponent::create(), whereas the qml viewer uses 
QDeclarativeView. Could this make a difference as far as translation goes?

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