michael.bras...@nokia.com ha scritto:

On 22/04/2010, at 7:44 PM, ext Gianni Valdambrini wrote:
michael.bras...@nokia.com<mailto:michael.bras...@nokia.com> ha scritto:
On 20/04/2010, at 8:06 PM, ext Gianni Valdambrini wrote:
I wrote a custom element that looks like a text element with a slide
effect on the text change.
The problem is in the transition. The element works in this way:
there are 2 text elements, one placed on the left and the other on the
right of the element. The latter has the same left and right anchor in
order to hide the element.
When the text changes the transition expands the text on the right
changing its left anchor and shrinks the left one.
Everything seems to work fine if I disable the transition, with the text
on the right not visibile. Using the old version of Qml from Qt Creator
Qml 1.3.8 everything works fine even with transition enable (replacing
"properties" with "matchProperties" and the easing syntax), so I cannot
figure out what is wrong with this code.
Any help is appreciated.

In the past couple weeks there have been quite a few changes to AnchorChanges, 
and an AnchorAnimation element has been introduced. After updating your example 
to the latest syntax, I wasn't able to see any obvious issues. Are you able to 
update your build and see if it is working right for you?

Unfortunately, It doesn't (with Qt from the branch 4.7-stable).
I made a few changes to the element to update it to the last sintax, but
the result is the same than the previous version. Running the code, I
noticed these things:
- In the initial status, the element text2 is visible but it shouldn't.
- there are 2 transitions, from the initial state to the state1 and from
the state2 to the state3. In theory, these transitions should be the
same, but this is not what happens.

I'm having a hard time trying to reproduce the bug, as the attached file only 
seems to be the component itself. Could you add an additional 'wrapper' file 
that shows how to reproduce the bug? (or have I missed something?)

My apologies. In the real program I change the text using a property updated by the C++ part of the program. However, I rewrote that part (with the same problems) in Javascript using a timer, and that file is attacched. To run the example you should place the SlidingText file in a subdirectory named qml and execute the test.qml using the qml viewer from the Qt 4.7 stable branch.

Other notes:
- In the AnchorAnimation I can't specify the duration, so at the moment
it isn't exactly what I need.

duration and easing for AnchorAnimation were added to our development branch 
yesterday, so hopefully should be integrated into 4.7 soon. Note that 
4.7-stable is almost 3 weeks behind 4.7 now.

Should I use the 4.7 branch instead of the stable one?

- In the transition, I can't change the state using PropertyAction,
unless it is used with an animation (as in the code), otherwise I get
the error "Can't apply a state change as part of a state definition.".

Could you add an issue for this at 
bugreports.qt.nokia.com<http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com> with a simple example 
to reproduce?


Of course,
thank you.

import Qt 4.7
import "qml"

Rectangle {
        id: page
        width: 300
        height: 400
        property int counter: 0;

        function changeText() {
                var texts = new Array("Hello World", "Fake Text", "Simple 
                counter = (counter + 1) % 3;
                news_box.text = texts[counter];

        Timer {
                running: true;
                interval: 2000;
                repeat: true;
                triggeredOnStart: true;
                onTriggered: changeText();

        SlidingText {
                anchors.top: parent.top
                anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter

                id: news_box
                width: page.width - 100
                height: 50

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