
I have a group of QActions defined in c++ that I want to be able to
arrange and access in qml.

I thought of writing two components like this and am wondering if it
is possible:

  KPIM.ActionTreeFactory {
    id :myTree

    actionTree : [
            "Use GPG",
            "Use SMime"
            "Use GPG",
            "Use SMime"

  KPIM.ActionMenuContainer {
    x : 100
    y : 100
    width : 200
    height : 200
    numActions : 2

    model : myTree.model

As you can see, the ActionTreeFactory defines a list of lists. I am
hoping I can implement it something like this:

class ActionTreeFactory {
  Q_PROPERTY(QObject model READ model NOTIFY modelChanged )
  Q_PROPERTY(QVariant actionTree READ actionTree WRITE setActionTree )


  void populateModel(const QVariant &actionTree, const QModelIndex &parent)
    QVariantList contents = actionTree.toList();

    foreach (const QVariant &content, contents)
      if (content.type() == QVariant::String)
        QString actionName = content.toString();
        qDebug() << "GOT ACTION" << actionName;
        m_model->appendAction(parent, actionName);
      if (content.type() == QVariant::List)
        qDebug() << "GOT LIST";
m_model->index(m_model->rowCount(parent) - 1, 0, parent));

  void setActionTree(const QVariant &actionTree)
    m_model = new ActionTreeModel(this);
    populateModel(actionTree, QModelIndex());

  QObject* model() const {
    return qobject_cast<QObject*>(m_model);

  QAbstractItemModel *m_model;


That is, I'm hoping I can get the action tree somehow as a list of
lists. In my example I assumed I could get it as a QVariant, but if
it's QScriptValue instead I think that would work too. So is some
implementation like that possible?

Turning the tree of action names into a accessible tree of actions is
a separate problem, but I think it's possible. If the above is not
possible though I'll need to come up with another solution. I can't
find much docs on how to implement Components in c++. Does anyone have
a better idea for a scalable solution to defining groups of actions in


I think maybe this would be useful?


All the best,

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