On Thursday 05 August 2010 08:03:41 bea....@nokia.com wrote:
> On 05/08/2010, at 2:45 PM, ext Gregory Schlomoff wrote:
> > Isn't there a way to expose an enum to QML with qRegisterType or
> > something?
> If an enum is exposed to Qt's Meta Object system using Q_ENUMS, the enum is
> automatically available to QML.
> This is mentioned in
> http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/declarative-tutorials-extending-chapt
> er4-custompropertytypes.html (but probably should be moved to some other
> reference documentation).

I did my C++ enum just like that and it did not work at all. After some 
fighting and testing all combinations of foo.bar that I could think of on the 
QML side I have up an rewrote it to not need the enum on the QML side. There's 
a chapter "Extending QML from C++" (or similar, my Assistant currently doesn't 
seem to show any QML docs at all (bug report added)) where the information 
from the tutorial would perhaps fit better?


              Many an ancient lord's last words had been:
         "You can't kill me because I've got magic aaargh...."
                                      -- Terry Pratchett, Interesting Times
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