
Maybe this suits your need? -

var Media = (function() { var en = {}; for(i=0; i<arguments.length; i++) 
{ en[arguments[i]] = i; } return en;})("IsGood", "IsAwesome")

Not sure where to put it, since last time I looked I found QML's scoping 
rules a little odd*, maybe someone else can help there.

- Justin

* Could be just me - I didn't look that deep, besides you can't do worse 
than PHP :)

On 6/08/10 5:47 AM, Westbrook Alan (Nokia-MS/MtView) wrote:
> On Aug 5, 2010, at 12:10 PM, ext Alex wrote:
>> On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 10:03 PM,<bea....@nokia.com>  wrote:
>>> On 05/08/2010, at 2:45 PM, ext Gregory Schlomoff wrote:
>>>> Isn't there a way to expose an enum to QML with qRegisterType or something?
>>> If an enum is exposed to Qt's Meta Object system using Q_ENUMS, the enum is 
>>> automatically available to QML.
>>> This is mentioned in 
>>> http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7-snapshot/declarative-tutorials-extending-chapter4-custompropertytypes.html
>>>  (but probably should be moved to some other reference documentation).
>> Many thanks to all who responded.
>> I agree with Gregory about weak-typing being an impediment to
>> designing reusable and configurable components.  I also happened upon
>> the trick he mentioned -- using integer properties to represent
>> possible values symbolically.  However, this does not prevent misuse.
>> First, if the symbolic properties are not read-only (const), their
>> values could accidentally be modified.  Second, nothing prevents a
>> plain integer from being used instead of a symbolic name.
>> Bea's suggestion regarding Q_ENUMS is useful, but it breaks
>> encapsulation in those cases where pure QML components need to expose
>> enums.
>> Since the QML API itself uses enums, I think it would be more
>> symmetrical to support the feature directly within the QML language,
>> regardless of javascript/C++ bindings.
>> Cheers,
>> Alex
> I would also like to second Alex's request.
> It is of note that using properties for values is also problematic because 
> you cannot have properties which start with an uppercase as the exported 
> enums from C++ are (at least in practice).
> Alan
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