> This does not seem to work too well for me. Or, well, not at all actually. 
> What I have is:
>     property alias connectionTarget: seenConnection.target
>     id: dummyId
>     states: [
>         State {
>             name: "UnitValid"
>             when: unit != undefined
>             PropertyChanges {
>                 target: seenConnection
>                 connectionTarget: unit
>             }
>         }
>     ]
>     Connections {
>         id: seenConnection
>         onSeenChanged: visible = unit.seen
>     }
> Hm, I hope this doesn't end up like a big ugly HTML mess. I'm still getting 
> used to "Mail" on OSX. If
> so let me know and I'll try to talk some sense into it.
> Anyway, running the above gives:
> ... foo.qml: QML Connections: Cannot assign to non-existent property 
> "onSeenChanged"

This can probably be avoided by setting 'ignoreUnknownSignals' to true in the 
Connections object. 

> ... foo.qml: QML PropertyChanges: Cannot assign to non-existent property 
> "connectionTarget"

Oops, I left out an important part. The Connections object should have "target: 
dummyId.connectionTarget" to actually bind to the connectionTarget alias 

Also, change the PropertyChanges target to 'dummyId' instead of 
'seenConnection', so that the connectionTarget alias is updated.



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