*bump*  (re-awake topic)

I think I can't have what I want, and am looking for confirmation from this

> SequentialAnimation {
>   id: myTopLevelAnimation
>   // pause and resume at this level required
>   SequentialAnimation {
>     id: myCountDownDelay
>     loops: 1
>     duration: 400
>     // Logically, should fire ONCE
>   }
>   ParallelAnimation {
>      id: myRealInfiniteAnimation
>      loops: Animation.infinite
>      // ...startable and stoppable...would be nice, but not required
>   }
> }
> Logically, I'm intending something like a top-level animation that has a
> "countdown" or "delay" (which runs ONCE), and then an infinite loop for a
> parallel animation that does many things.

 ISSUE: I think I can't have this:

(1) (minor), there's some interesting issues associated with animations
using the "on" syntax (they start automatically running), while other
animations *do not* automatically start running.  This may be related to
strange behavior I've seen for "nested" animations of different types not
running as expected (e.g., with properties not properly governed by the
"parent-most" animation):


(2) (major), changes to animation values *do not* take effect until the
animation is stopped/re-started.  That's a *huge* bummer for me:  I need a
"countdown" animation that runs ONCE.  All my work-arounds have failed,
because I can't change the value used by the countdown without forcing the
parent animation to stop/start (which defeats the purpose of the countdown).


Any thoughts on trickery on how to implement a single-shot "initial
countdown pause" that fires *once*?

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