
I was wondering if anyone's currently working (or planning to) on a
QML-based MediaCenter application.

I'm project leader of GeeXboX [1] multimedia distribution and Enna [2]
EFL-based MediaCenter application and,
for various reasons, I'm considering a switch from EFL to Qt/QML since
quite a while.

Most of our codebase actually relies in 2 external libraries
(libplayer [3] and libvalhalla [4])
that we use for mediaplayer, metadata retrieval, database ... so the
UI parts that actually make use of EFL
are minimized to their minimum. As a result, I believe that migration
should be affordable without complete rework of existing code.

Though, instead of re-inventing wheel over and over again, I'd better
re-use existing code or extend existing projects if some already
So if someone's already working on a Qt/QML MediaCenter, please say so.
If no is and would be willing to contribute to one, please tell also,
I'd be more than happy to recruit new developers.


- [1]: http://www.geexbox.org/
- [2]: http://enna.geexbox.org/
- [3]: http://libplayer.geexbox.org/
- [4]: http://libvalhalla.geexbox.org/
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