Hello Ben,

It is really nice to read you and to see interest in QML from the media
center community.
I used to lead the Elisa/Moovida media center project for Fluendo. After
the project was shut down a few developers decided to revive it by
rewriting the same UI using QML. We called it 'Elisa Qt' and have been
pushing the code on Launchpad since the beginning [1].
We communicate through mailing list [2] and IRC (#elisa on freenode).
You may want to read the original mail announcing the project [3].

That's how it looks like so far when you start it: [4]. And live: [5]
It also works on the N900 [6] and on a beagle board [7] already :)

It's still the very beginning though a couple of people are referencing
it on the Internet:

There is still a lot to be done and we have good strong points:
a) an excellent UI technology: QML
b) a very usable (grand-ma proof) user interface to start from
c) experienced people on the team

I hope that got your interest :) Let me know what you think.


[1] https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/+junk/elisa_qt
[2] elisa-develop...@lists.launchpad.net
[3] https://lists.launchpad.net/elisa-developers/msg00047.html
[4] http://people.canonical.com/~kaleo/elisa/elisa_qt.png
[5] http://people.canonical.com/~kaleo/elisa/latest.ogv
[6] http://people.canonical.com/~kaleo/elisa/elisa_qt_nokia_n900.ogv
[7] http://people.canonical.com/~kaleo/elisa/elisa_qt_beagle_board_720p.ogv

On 11/21/2010 12:33 PM, Benjamin Zores wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering if anyone's currently working (or planning to) on a
> QML-based MediaCenter application.
> I'm project leader of GeeXboX [1] multimedia distribution and Enna [2]
> EFL-based MediaCenter application and,
> for various reasons, I'm considering a switch from EFL to Qt/QML since
> quite a while.
> Most of our codebase actually relies in 2 external libraries
> (libplayer [3] and libvalhalla [4])
> that we use for mediaplayer, metadata retrieval, database ... so the
> UI parts that actually make use of EFL
> are minimized to their minimum. As a result, I believe that migration
> should be affordable without complete rework of existing code.
> Though, instead of re-inventing wheel over and over again, I'd better
> re-use existing code or extend existing projects if some already
> exist.
> So if someone's already working on a Qt/QML MediaCenter, please say so.
> If no is and would be willing to contribute to one, please tell also,
> I'd be more than happy to recruit new developers.
> Ben
> References:
> - [1]: http://www.geexbox.org/
> - [2]: http://enna.geexbox.org/
> - [3]: http://libplayer.geexbox.org/
> - [4]: http://libvalhalla.geexbox.org/
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