On Tue, 2010-11-23 at 00:00 +0100, warwick.alli...@nokia.com wrote:
> > I probably should have provided more information about my use case. The
> > problem is, I'm not in control of that widget. I'm subclassing the
> > QGraphicsGeoMap from Qt Mobility to add some functionality, however the
> > long initialization comes from that widget. Currently I've only added a
> > couple of convenience methods.
> I can't see any delay with the current version of QGraphicsGeoMap, so maybe 
> this is something best solved by waiting (or upgrading).

Well I'm using Qt Mobility 1.1 with my own map provider, but the problem
also occurs if I use the standard 'nokia' plugin so that shouldn't be
the problem. To see the delay you should have some animation running
while loading the map. In my case the animation is seriously affected.

> Also note the Map type in QtMobility 1.1.

I originally wanted to use that until I realized that it's just not
there yet. E.g. you can't add MapObjects dynamically, you can't make
MapObjects that are clickable, etc... That's the reason I'm doing my own
subclass of it.

Anyways, thanks a lot for your answers. If there is no simply "load that
in background" thing, I'll stick with my delayed-loading-hack for now
and hope for future performance enhancements.


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