    WHAT list are you referring to???  If you are referring to the SCIC list, you're just plain wrong!!  I just checked one day of emails from members of that list and, not counting the ones I deleted because they were regarding subjects I had no specific interest, I had nearly 30 emails messages to the list.  And all were helpful to caregivers.  And they came from a bunch more folks than you mentioned.  I find that the caregivers on the list are very supportive, informative, and open to ideas and suggestions from others on the list.  I have been a member of both the Quad list and the SCIC list for more than 16 months and found both to be helpful to me and my wife as caregivers to a quadriplegic, but the SCIC has more caregiver specific topics.
     If you were referring to the SCIC in your post, please correct the misinformation you promulgated.  You were just wrong and may have steered someone away from a great source of help. 
    I may have to copy your post to the SCIC group so they can have a nice chuckle. 
----- Original Message -----

That list is so quiet.  No one posts except Dave Kelmer and 2 others and less than 4 emails a week..  Breezy posted a couple weeks ago but none of the posts are "caregiver" related.

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