Whose quote here says something like "Don't let what you can't do interfere with what you CAN do!?"

My resources (transportation, accessible workplace, note-takers) were tapped to go to college 4 yrs & then work.

My situation has since changed so my vocation has too!


At Thursday 8/5/2004 06:50 PM, you wrote:
I have stressed that to everyone.  I want to be independent and I want to stop living off of the system.  I hate it.  I would love to have a job but there is no way I can get back and forth.  I have tried every resource out there.  I had to fight about getting picked up from school after 1 o'clock.  There is one program that is door to door.  It's for the doctors and school and a couple of times I got them to take me to DR.  Their pick up times stop at 1.  My class got out at 3 and I had to beg and plead to get them to pick me up just one of the 2 days that I had class and got my friend who is also my helper to pick me up the other.  I wish that I could get her to take me back and forth, but I don't use very many hours from her and she has another job.  I don't use VR for anything except making my plan for school and getting to work, but then the transportation.  I have talked with them about modifications but it's getting that van.  I haven't heard anything about the van that is supposed to be donated to me.  I am going to call tomorrow, but I was so curious about how people were getting their vans paid for and I wanted to make it clear that if I could, I would have been working since I have been home.  I am pretty sick and tired of being bored by not working.  sometimes I have too much time on my hands and I get on my own nerves.  I try to keep myself busy around the house but I have a damn hard time getting up in the morning because I really don't have anything to get up for.  House is already pretty clean and I don’t have any appointments so why get up so my feet can swell.  I want off the damn system so bad because it really doesn't help me that much.   I apologize for ranting, but it gets  frustrating and I know I should be grateful for what I do have but I can accomplish so much more.  Even HUD raised my rent because it's been a year and they swear my house is two bedrooms but it's not.  I can't even rent that room to a friend that needs a place to live because they told me they don't want to live in a closet with no heat and no door.  My rent is a little over half of my income.  Then after bills, not too much left over to live on.  Can't even go anywhere to meet anyone new.  No money and no way to get there.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
From: Houston Leek
To: b.hickey ; quadlist
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 12:43 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Getting vans bought by DR

Yeah I’ve been working on my business plan. I’m glad that you’ve pointed these things out. I know them to be true I see others reaping the rewards. While I hear others sitting around crying the blues about not getting anything while they have a computer vr purchase & other equipment & never even looked 4 a job. Yet they want more toys I work the system but I do really want 2 get away from or off SSDI until I’m 65 or 70yrs old. And if VR’s supposed 2 help than I want it.

On 8/5/04 1:42 AM, "b.hickey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

The catch is...... it takes justification, time, patience, hard work ans a solid Business Plan. All of wich you have or can get!!
You do have to go thru the "Division of Vocational Rehabilitation" because they also have funding resourses for things like hand controls,  power lifts and anything you can think of that you need in order to get back to work. There's the fun part.....   :-)  ....

Use your imagination and come up with a solid plan. Remember the goal is, Driving Independently to Work. So plan accordingly. For a business Plan ask yourself what am I good at, that makes me happy?

What im trying to say is, have DVR help yo start up your own MOBILE Business or find a job that you need to drive to. Use all thats availible, SSA, DVR.....The Pass Plan, Ticket to Work, IRWE's (Income Related Work Expenses)......ect.

The Pass plan is funding my van with monthly payments from my SSI check  and DVR is funding the conversions.

Hope this helps.....Bob

----- Original Message -----
From:  Stacy Harim <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
To: Quad-List <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 11:21  PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Getting vans bought by  DR

How in the hell are some of you getting DR to pay for vans.?  There  is no way I can get them to pay for any kind of vehicle modifications to a van  that is more than 4 years old and more than 40,000 miles.  I brought up  that a couple of people got DR in their state to pay for the vans (DR is  federal) and they have no idea what I am talking about except for they they  say that they don't know how that was done since DR is federal.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy  yourself"

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