Dave how long have you been in a nursing home?
It took me about 3 years to get out of them and you're right about the food I went from 180 lbs to 125 in 4 months at the first one I went to.
I had my family start bringing me frozen foods like burritos, pizza, and canned food like ravioli or anything I could think of.
Had you talked to the people at ADAPT yet?
If you need some numbers or contacts e-mail me. 
-------Original Message-------
Date: Friday, August 20, 2004 10:53:02
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Diet tips
nursing hom food is a great appitite suppressent.
i'm below 100lbs for the first time since i was 9yrs old.
i also understand tape worms & food poisioning works well
for those into the "extreme" dieting scene.

dave headman
c4-25yrs post

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Aug 19, 2004 6:22 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: Diet tips

Has anyone here had any success losing weight on a particular diet? I would like to lose about 15 lbs but low carb does not work for me. If you know of any other diets that work I would like to know. Thanks

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