Well River, Wheel...

Last week, numbers reflecting the highest numbers and percentages of uninsured children by state came out.

My state, Arizona, was 49th highest percent uninsured, where "uninsured" was determined as including those considered ineligible for state Medicaid (or the state-run equivalent) based on state funding laws.

When I heard AZ was 49th, I was SHOCKED!!  I was certain we'd be 50th of 50.  We often hit darn close to that ranking when it comes to funding children, teachers, health, and often run close to the top in illness, unemployment, child drug use, child alcohol use (just hit the top there!!) and teen pregnancy.  Not that I'm suggesting any correlations, anywhere.  That might take more research.

Instead, it turned out the highest percentage of uninsured children were -- uh -- Real Texans.  (R-U Surprised, River?)

And W... Shame on you for being such a -- uh -- (Texan?) and sayin' all them things you been saying. <dink>


<< Texas has a very poor record of funding it's social services.  In fact
> Texas is piloting a program which would drastically cut  it's services
> to the severely mentally disabled population.   Keith perphaps you can
> speak more intelligently about this than I.  Another startling
> statistic about Texas is that Tx has on it's death row a large
> percentage of inmates with mental illness and developmental
> disabilities.
> RIv

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