Sorry about your sores guys.  Lori, I'm glad your wound vac is working out for you.  I am fighting these damn ones on my feet.  I went to the podiatrist today and he is sending me for a doppler on my legs.  He is concerned I am not getting blood flow to my feet because he can't feel it although when he pushes on them they turn pink, so he isn't sure.  He mentioned something about some sort of boot thing he can put on the and it gets changed once a week.  He didn't have any in the office, but when I go back to him after the doppler, we are going to give that a whirl.  Great I say so I can actually get ready in an hour instead of two fighting with these bandages. I would call home health, but they take forever and would be doing the same thing I am doing with the sores as far as dressing them.  I just follow doctors orders.  I feel a little bit better today after my rant and some sleep, but still a bit sad.  I have no idea what has come over me. 
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 3:37 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] debreedment surgery

No fun at all.  After 2 1/2 months of an idle wound ... we began the wound vac..   I can't move a muscle with it on or it comes undone.  Because my wound is in THE WORST place possible to treat/correct/live with.

Off to bed for how long now .............


At Tuesday 9/14/2004 03:30 PM, you wrote:
had my pressure sore debreeded by the plastic surgeon on thursday.
bled out, needed to be rushed back to the hospital to get transfusion.
2 units of blood.
bone biopsey came back yesterday, bone infection is able to be treated
with iv antibiotics.
haven't been out of bed for a week.
doctor ordered a wound vac, wound care nurses won't hook it up because
i might start bleeding again.
this is my first sore in 15 yrs.
are we having fun yet?

-dave headman
c4-25yrs post

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