You DO realize the quantum difference between bouncing a transmitted 
signal and the limited range of optics? A great OPTICAL spy sat must 
stay in a relative low orbit to be used effectively (reported between 
400-800km). Hubble is a great example of the difference in an optical 
sat vs communication sat. Hubble is the size of a school bus, while 
communications sats might be a couple of ft in dia (not counting solar 
To achieve a stationary orbit a sat MUST be in a Geosynchronous orbit.
It has to do with the speed the Earth rotates and matching that speed 
in orbit where it won't be sucked back to Earth due to gravitational 
force. Go here for examples of images produced at these alt above Earth:

>From NASA.COM  Geosynchronous orbit is approx 22,300 miles altitude, 
where a spacecraft makes one orbit of Earth in 24 hours.
Sats used for other purposes rotate the Earth very quickly, the closer 
to the Earth, the faster they must go to stay in orbit.

Here is an ex of the "limits" of our optical spy sats (note there are 
sometimes up to a 4hr period when there won't be a bird in the right 
spot to observe) from :

"The optical satellites are flying at an altitudes of from 400 to 800 
kilometers have a swath width of from 600 to 1000 kilometers to either 
side of their ground track. The Lacrosse imaging radar satellite is 
flying at a little less than 800 kilometers, and is taking pictures as 
much as a 1000 kilometers off of their ground track. When these 
satellites are flying over Riyadh in Saudi Arabia, the optical 
satellite is going to be able to photograph the area between Kuwait and 
Baghdad, and the radar satellite and the higher flying optical 
satellites can photograph Baghdad. 

In principle the radar is going to be able to take a picture of 
anything with an elevation greater than 15 degrees. Based on the 
photographs that have been released, the photographic satellite the 
elevation is probably limited to more like about 30 degrees. As Figure 
2 indicates, this provides a swath width of about 2000 kilometers at an 
altitude of 800 kilometers, and a swath of 1200 kilometers from an 
altitude of 400 kilometers 

In general, these satellites have maneuvered very infrequently for drag-
makeup, usually at intervals of several months, and as a result of 
tracking by amateur astronomers, precise orbital elements for five of 
these seven satellites have been made available for use in this 

> We also have what they call stationary sats that orbit at the same 
speed of
> the planet so there's always a real time image of anywhere we want.
> Direct tv's been using these for years or you would only have a 
signal when
> it was in front of you. 
> I'd like to think our military was smarter than Direct tv.
> Mark
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Stuntman
> Date: Wednesday, October 27, 2004 18:48:42
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the Enemy- StockPile
> The sats capable of high resolution photography are not very high up.
> SAC shared the same sats with the CIA, NSA, Navy, DOD, etc.
> To maneuver them into a precise spot sometimes takes several orbits 
> consumes a portion of the finite fuel used to change positions.
> Yes, I am a little better informed than the avg citizen, however the 
> experts (like those in Russia) could tell you exactly where each one 
> at almost any moment. 
> BTW there is close to 30,000km dif between geo-synchronous orbit and 
> that of an optical spy sat.
> Stuntman 
> > You, my friend, are way ahead of your government. The information 
> that you 
> > provided is not available to our national spy network. I was always 
> assure by 
> > the company who supplies our sat service that THEIR tiny network of 
> > communication sats are geo-synchronis orbited for 24 hrs service, 
> per year. Dish TV 
> > only charges $50 a month for that service.
> > You honestly believe that the most developed country on this planet 
> with a 
> > spy network that is 2nd to none, doesn't have a synchronis orbited 
> spy network 
> > in place 24 hours a day, 365. I'm watching too many James Bond 
> Movies. I 
> > suppose you will now say the Puzzy Galore didn't exist either? What 
> this country 
> > coming too......
> > W
> > 
> > In a message dated 10/27/04 5:50:45 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> > 
> > << The Soviets were giving Sadamned timelines when our birds would 
>>  be absent overhead. Our spy sats are NOT in geo-synchronis orbit. 
>>  We had a convoy moving up and down that hwy with drones watching 
>>  overhead, it is highly unlikely anybody moved 380 TONS of 
>>  explosives AFTER we got in.
> > 
> > Stuntman >>

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