Hi Sherry,

I've watched this video numerous times...never thought I'd say I like Eminem, but WHOA ! Awesome artist with a potent message to young america. You can go to MTV.COM and vote for this video too.

Riv  (one of the 80,000 at the Kerry rally at OSU last night)
On Oct 29, 2004, at 3:09 AM, Sherry wrote:

I'm not one for Rap, or promoting it..but this is a powerful statement by Eminem's Rap video "Mosh"
It is a POWERFUL POWERFUL statement, hitting the net today..and no doubt, the young voters will see.
http://boss.streamos.com/real/interscope/eminem/encore/video/mosh-rev/ 000_mosh-rev.ram
An article on it
I saw this on a dis site..and sent it to my groups as well...(political )
{{The best to you,}} Sherry
' To be willing to March into Hell for a Heavenly cause"

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