Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?
So OK.  Let every president go ahead and spend beyond their means and never mention the damn deficit ever again is what you all are saying.  That is just silly.  I can't believe that people care more about what is overseas than what is in our own country. I don't know about you all, but I don't like being in the bottom of the population as far as classes go.  Yes I am doing something about it, but it will eventually take me to middle class if I am lucky where I will be paying more taxes and will never see a relief as long as a Bush holds the white house. I don't see it ending after this one. It's going to be Jed next.  I just think that the problems at home should be focused on before we worry about everyone else.  Our only concern for the time being should be Bin Ladin.  You all have a damn field day with me now.  I am so over this.  I am insulted with the last few posts that have come through this list from people that I have had so much respect for.  Sometimes people's feelings should come into account.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 2004 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

Economics 101. It’s something we all sat through fighting
to keep our eyes open. But I admire your patience Jim, for
walking some of us through it again.

I suspect however, that your patient description on the
process was lost on some of the more knowledgeable elite
among us who would posture such infinite wisdom in the
vitriolic castigation a great, gentle and noble man who had
the vision and determination to neutralize the world threat
posed by the Kremlin.

History will record his leadership in terms most laudable,
including “the whole star wars thing.” Really!!  And I doubt
seriously that it matters very much whether or not you respect
a president that “barries the nation into debt.” Whatever
that means.

On 11/3/04 6:07 PM, "Jim Lubin"

At 03:33 PM 11/3/2004, Stacy Harim wrote:
Yea, Reagan put us further into debt by building up nuclear weapons.  Only reason why Russia backed down because they couldn't afford it.   The whole star wars thing.  really!!!   I don't have any respect for a president that barries the nation into debt.

Could someone please explain what the big deal is about national debt? I don't get it. The government gets it's income from taxing the people. When the government has a surplus it means it's taxing people too much. When the government is in debt it sells bonds which allow people to invest and have a stake in the country. Having a debt lowers the value of the US$ which means other countries can afford to by products manufactured in the US. When the country had a surplus the US$ was at an all time high against other currencies and the nation was in a recession. National debt does not equate to personal debt.


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