It has been said time and time again that Saudi Arabia is not a direct threat to us.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Lubin
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 2004 3:14 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who's the President?

He's just a figure head. He is not personally carrying out any attacks. When we catch Bin Laden all terrorism is not going to end. That's why I say we'll catch him when we catch him. Efforts should be focused on the people actually plaining to carry out attacks and the support networks behind them.

At 11:48 AM 11/4/2004, QuadPirate wrote:
You know Jim Bin Laden took 8 years before he attacked the WTC again so every day he's still out there is a threat to us.
So there's no time to say we'll get him when we get him we need to get him before he strikes again.
The thought that we have plenty of time is like a time bomb waiting to explode.
We need him now not later!
How can anyone argue with that?

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