The Medicaid waiver program is still defined by the state as far as how many hours you get, who gives you care, and how much that agency or person, if allowed, will get paid.  I'm a paraplegic and don't even need the hours that I am given where most or many on the list can't get enough hours for their care.  Unfortunately Florida is the hardest state to get proper care that you need.  I think the lack of response on the list is that people here that don't know anything about a situation like yours just do not answer.  Your best bed is going to your state representatives and let them know your plight.  I wish you the best of luck.
"People who hate you do not win unless you hate them. Then you destroy yourself"
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2004 5:01 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Hello


My first question is why am I not receiving the quad list any longer?  I used to receive it regularly.  My next issue is I would really like to just hear from people by e-mail about issues regarding the Medicaid waiver program in Florida.  We must do something!

Next my introduction.  Actually I did this several years ago but here I go again.  I am a C 5-6 quadriplegic having survived 24 years ago.  I broke my neck in a diving accident here in Florida.  I rehabbed at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester Minnesota. Living with a lot of chronic pain problems is no fun as I'm sure many of you know.  Currently I am dealing with a lot of bizarre blood pressure problems both up-and-down. I am single, male, 58, and have never married.  I live in my own home and have finally paid it off after 21 years.  I am on the Board of Directors of the local Sierra Club, The Responsible Growth Management Coalition, and am active in the local spinal cord injury group.

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