Congrats are in order, Dave!  So you've placed the pedal to the metal, eh?  
Some suggestions to consider.  I hope they installed a back-up or dual battery. 
If not, you might consider caring one of the 6-cell emergency jump batteries 
for those times when the battery goes weak with all the draw on your 
batteries.  Prevention is still the best cure.... or offense.  What kinda van?
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/30/04 7:39:29 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< I drove my van for the 1st time today.  I had a transfer seat, hand  
controls, and door opener installed.  The xfr seat is a bit awkward to use  
but the 
other stuff is way cool.  It goes up/down, back/fwd, and turns up  to 90 
degrees.  Sliding over and back is a pain but my driving will be the  
anyway.  I don't mind being chauffeured.  There are 4  magnetic switches in 
my tail 
light housing to operate the door and  lift.   Up, Down, Stow, and Close.   A 
battery is now much  more critical to my survival - oh joy.  More mechanical 
crap that can kill  me.  Stranded in a dark van in June, July, or August in 
Phoenix is no place  to be.  I'll be keepiong my cell phone very handy from 
on. >>

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