In a message dated 1/2/2005 2:47:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:


I was going to contact you the other day to see if you wanted my tickets to the last Buccaneers game, but it was on Christmas and I didn't think I would have the ability to get a hold of you. 
  My caregivers were all recovering from colds and I didn't want to take a chance on them becoming ill by sitting in the cold weather.  I also thought about going to The Outback Bowl, but I decided to stay home instead.  I know it is beautiful weather, but I just can't seem to get out of my very light longsleeved shirts (even wearing my light turtleneck today when it is extremely warm).  It just has to be at least 80 in order for me to be able to wear shorts and short sleeves.
I am really glad you were able to go to the game.

Heyyyy Billy....yeah, it was great would've got hott in turtleneck, the sun was, and is, hot as hell today...i love when it's like this in Winter, i just melt in the sun!!  Lately, i've heard through studies that it's good for ya.

There was NO WHEELCHAIRS there...weird to me!! 

Next time gimmie a call on the tix...i'm always connected to my cell - 727-460-3925  But i'll tell ya, tix are REALLY cheap buddies will only pay $5 a tick...especially if the Bucs lose the week before!!  I'm weird on the weather...i can't handle the heat at games in Sept/early Oct....but hate any cold too, so i'll go if it's 75 to 85...but count me out on temps outside that!!

I'll have to come by your joint're not too far at all

I'm taking Green Bay today over Minn.......tony

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