Thats a good introspective concern! I had not really thought of it in that way--at least not to that extent. I know my self asteem is not that good, my eye contact either. I need to re-learn how to flirt! I used to be very good at it. A glass or 2 of wine or a drink will loosen me up, make me
talk more and flirt. But I don't hang out in bars or know anyone that does, well I do have one attendant.......hmmm.

There is no magic pill. I think it "might" be neat to do one of those dating classes--speed dating I think its called? They probably cost too much. They say to go to places you like to do and there might be a single there that likes the same thing, thus there is a commonality already.

Running out of response.-- :>:D take care,

Dana and ?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Houston809" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Stacy Harim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "quadlist" <>; "Greg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Frustration/sensitive

Stacy, Iım not thinking that itıs really that difficult 2 find a person thatıll be there in a meaningful relationship. I have some problems but some of them itıs more me than them. So donıt think that Iım going against anything Iıve said. But I know that a big part of not having someone is my doing... It could also be others now sometimez we have 2 step back (ROLL BACK) and look at ourselves in the mirror. Would I want 2 be with me if the circumstances were reversed? Houston

On 1/8/05 1:13 PM, "Stacy Harim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your right in the aspect of everyday life. Of course I know that. The
statement was related to relationships. Para's are still seen as paralyzed.
In the aspect of getting looked at as a sexual being is just as hard for
para's to face. To the opposite sex paralyzed is paralyzed.


----- Original Message -----

From: Greg <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 12:20  PM

Subject: Re: [QUAD-L]  Frustration/sensitive

That statement shouldn't hurt anyone. It's true... Paras have it easier than
quads. Just like a C5 like me has it easier than a C4. The more moement you
have, the more you can do for yourself. If it's not a fact, than show me
someone who would volunteer to break their spine a few levels higher.


"Stacy I wasn't implying that para's have it easier I was just saying if I
had a good "Grip" I could help myself!"

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