I just started classes here at Ivy Tech. 2day while sitting out in sleet and
19 degrees I made up my mind. When I finish school I'm moving South. I
talked 2 my brother and he's looking into moving 2 Ga. next yr anyway. So
I'll have support if thatıs where I end up. I got people in ft. Lauderdale
but don't know about having a yr without Medicaid. But I'm warning the south
I'm coming it'll be Like Hurricane Tony hitting Fla. :) Slippin & slidin
tryin not 2 get hitt as I cruise up the  street because sidewalks not clear.
It's rough bein in a chair in the snow. Once again I dressed in layers so
wasn't cold at all. T-shirt, long sleeve shirt, hoody, than outer coat, nice
and toasty :)

On 1/20/05 5:00 PM, "Dana Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yeah here on the show-me state the humidity also is a big factor!  I too
> wish to move down south, but family and my support system is good here and
> it sounds pretty scarey to move somewhere else.  Seems like attendant care
> is not as good, nor the hospitals.  There are a 'lot' of quads and para's in
> Columbia and the biggest hospital is quite used to having us in for flaps
> etc.  It has changed over the years tho--when my injury was fresh, it seemed
> like they did not know how to do things, but now they 'listen' to us and we
> can direct our care--if your on the right floor!
> take care,
> Dana and ?
> ----- Original Message -----
> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; <quad-list@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 3:16 PM
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Cold / Heat
>> I'm exactly the same.......the cold and winter is hell  on  me......I live
>> in
>> Missouri so it is not as bad as up north but when I get cold I  shiver my
>> neck and muscles tighten up and I feel like needles of ice flow thru  me
>> ugh !
>> takes a long time to warm up again. If it were not for  family , I would
>> move
>> to Florida or Arizona or such. In the summer I usually  overheat only
>> about 2
>> or 3 times a year, then I drink lots of water and put on  ice packs and
>> get in
>> front of the fan after I cool down my strenghth is  zapped--I gotta take a
>> nap then i'm ok again  lol
>>          Dan

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