
I have had my suprapubic for nine years and ironically enough I just had my first case where the bubble seemed to have leaked resulting in the catheter becoming wedged between my bladder and my bowel wall. I have pretty good sensation in my bladder and knew something was wrong when I could urinate lying back, but was getting dysreflexia in the sitting up position. I called my brother to do an emergency catheter change and it was extraordinarily painful. It took about 48 hours for my bladder to heal.

As far as your doctor is concerned, I agree with everyone else that you should avoid this doctor and explore all of your options. If you decide to get a suprapubic again and you run into a situation like this, I would recommend trying to irrigate and if that doesn't work change the catheter. I do have a problem with my suprapubic clogging intermittently, but I wonder if I would have the same problem with any other type of catheter. Good luck and I hope you do not have anything like this again.

Billy from Tampa
9 years post

River Wolfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi everyone,

I thought I would get some feedback on something that has happed to me.
As some of you may remember, I planned to get a SupraPubic placed
recently. I went in for the surgery on 1-14-05 and everything went
well. I was a bit freaked out by the tube and in ALOT of pain so I
stayed in bed for two days after the surgery, got up early on the third
day to go potty ( I love this list) and as I got up into my chair I had
an EXCRUCIATING PAIN in my abdomen. I actually thought it was gas pain
BUT I NEVER HAVE THAT, so I was a bit concerned but went ahead to the
bathroom. I noticed that my urine was tinged with blood after that and
also that the catheter seemed to move more than usual. During the
entire previous two days I had NO BLOOD in my urine, a bit surprising
to me but GREAT. So the blood was unusual but I though perha! ps
expected since I had gotten up and moved around. The catheter moving
more than before did concern me. About an hour later I got off the
toilet and during this entire time my urine was more bloody and about
40cc at most. Got into the shower and became alarmed that I didn't
appear to be making more urine during this whole time. I drink coffee
and usually pee alot in the AM. Rushed out of the shower to call the
Dr. knowing his office wouldn't be open yet. As it happens I called
right as they opened up. Talked with the nurse and told her the entire
story. She said she would call me back after speaking to the Dr. She,
not Dr. called me back and said Dr. was busy with surgery until 1pm.
That there was probably nothing to be concerned about and to come in
between 1&4 just to "put my mind at ease".

After drinking a quart of water (which I do every morning) and no
peeing for TWO HRS and a strong sensation that I had to p! ee, I called
back to tell them I was going to the ER and to call ahead because
something was definitely wrong. The nurse put me on hold to get the DR
and came back on the phone and said to come in NOW. Luckily, I had
called Jonny earlier and told her to come home as I needed to go to the
Dr. that afternoon. She got there just as I hung up with the nurse the
second time and we rushed to the Dr. All this time I'm in bad pain
because I NEED TO PEE and not to mention worried as all getout. Did I
mention that there was urine coming out of my cath site? I told that
to the nurse as well.


So, we get to the Dr. office and I'm left in the waiting room for AT
LEAST 20 min. Jonny was fit to be tied and I was in tears.
UNBELIEVABLE. Finally I was taken back and the Dr. looked at the cath
site and told the nurse to irrigate, because it was probably clogged.
Dr. then left the room. Nurse irrigated and got nothing! , did this
several times. Then she went to get the Dr. who came in to scope my
bladder, he found that the catheter balloon had burst and the catheter
was in the abdomen wall "no wonder you're in pain" he says. He cathed
me and then the PAIN got real bad, I'm moaning and doing my best not to
scream. He says I need to go to the hospital and be admitted for
several days of antibiotics and pain meds. They called the squad and
off I went.

I was there for 3 days and have been home since Thursday. I have
Peritonitis, meaning urine and whatever got into the peritoneal cavity
and caused pain and infection. I've read the pain could last for a
long time.
What an ordeal. The hospital stay was just ducky (heavy sarcasm). I
never want to go back.

Would you go back to this Dr?

Thanks for listening,


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