I was put on Neurontin just the opposite. I started on 3 a day and "de"creased it to 1 a day. I've been taking it about 8 (?) years. I tried going off it one time and had no problem except after about 10 days those electrical shocks thru the body started up again. I put up with it for about another week, then caved in.
I think the Gabitril disagreed with me. Yesterday I could hardly move without experiancing extreme pain. The abdominal cramps and pain were terrible. I am back on Neurontin again. I also basically slept thru the time my homemaker was here. She was shredding the last of a huge amount of old checks and bank statements and the shredder is not a quiet thing! I was worthless yesterday. Today I feel a lot better but am sleepy. I did a little bit of email this morning untilabout 12:00, then dozed off for the next 2-21/2 hrs. Now a few hours later, I am sleepy again. Hope-fully it will pass soon. take care,

----- Original Message ----- From: "Lori Michaelson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Quad" <quad-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Tuesday, March 08, 2005 12:13 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] neurontin alternative and randeom abdominal pain

Well, it's been 10 yrs since I began Elavil but I'd remember if it bothered me.

I'm lucky in that aspect to have a somewhat iron stomach.  Aspirin bothers
many tummies - not mine.  Antibiodics bother many ... not mine.  Different
foods bother many ... not me.

All you can do is experiment to SEE if, in fact, it IS Elavil.  And you know
my opinion on Neurontin.. one has to increase it exponentially to experience
relief.  No difference to me and taking huge doses and more all the time is
uncool w/ me.  Then a year to get off it!

I'm experiencing bad torso pain and abdominal pain/aching overnight and
off/on during the day.  BAD!

Now I don't know if it's my infection or spinal.  I give up!  Frustrating!

C4/5 complete, 25 yrs post

-------Original Message-------

Date: 03/07/05 13:21:41
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] neurontin alternative

My Doc told me I need to try neurotin or elavil--- I tried elavil 3 days
and slept good 1st night then had some indigestion next 2  nights not sure
if the elavil caused it and had a lot of the pain i'm trying to get rid of
3rd night......Does anyone know if these meds take a while to begin working

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