Unfortunately, there's no neutral 'way out' here - there's no way just to be passive and 'leave it in God's hands.'
To take the tube out is an active choice that WILL result in her death.  That's playing God to me just as much as keeping it in would be.  In my view, there's no taking it out and then saying "if she's meant to stay, she'll come around..." If you take the tube out, she's going to die, it's as simple as that.  So, taking the tube out isn't some innocent, passive way to NOT have to play God, it's an active decision that will cause her to die when she otherwise wouldn't have. 
Leaving the tube in is another active decision to play God and intervene with science to keep her alive when she wouldn't be able to live without assistance. 
You have to take responsibility either way for the choice, there's no way to just wash your hands of it and say you're leaving it up to God.  You're not - if you're making the decision about the feeding tube, you're choosing whether she should and will live or die, either way. 
Like I said, I don't really know which choice is right, but it's a choice that some human or group of humans has to make, taking many different factors into account.  You can't just say you're leaving it up to God.  Science intervenes in our life every day, we're far past the point where we can say we ever leave things up to God.  Unless you refuse antibiotics, vaccinations, or stitches for yourself or your children, I don't think you can responsibly talk along these lines. 

From: Lori Michaelson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2005 10:31 AM
To: Quad
Subject: [QUAD-L] Playing God

 Seems like everyone wants to play God in Terri's situation.  And play God here on the list by stating what and why and where and when
 Terri should live (or not live).
By taking her off artificial life support ... the situation now truly IS in God's hands.  If she's meant to stay ... she'll come around and survive to tell about it.  If she's meant to go ... God will take her when it's time.
It's an argument by using the Gods of science to keep her living or the God of religion to do as he/she/it sees fit or just plain fate.  The latter we've all discussed before with our own injuries.
Terri is being a puppet and the puppet masters are pulling the strings (playing God).
I'm not a God but, if there be one, it's in his hands according to your reply :-)
-------Original Message-------
I'm a parent and once a parent always a parent.  I would want to live as long
as God allowed and not a jif longer.
Hope that answered your question.  If not, I'll make up one.... next time.

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