Well said Lori .. very few people see this

In two world wars the British Commonwealth and the United States saved virtually the entire civilized world from powers intent on world domination.

Without them our world would be entirely different in many ways.

The climate that encouraged freedom of _expression_ led to the Industrial Revolution, which changed the world. In the century between the end of the Napoleonic Wars and the beginning of World War I (1815-1914), British capital and expertise developed the economies of her colonies (one quarter of the world's peoples) and contributed to the development of the fledgling United States and the newly independent nations of South America. After World War II America's economic prosperity and generosity—through the Marshall Plan—got Europe and Japan moving again.

Today the decline of Britain and America is leaving a vacuum around the globe. Already the dissolution of the British Empire has brought to the surface ethnic conflicts long held in check under colonialism. Wars in the Middle East, Africa, South Asia and the Pacific are the direct result of decolonization and have made the world more complex and unstable.

American power may seem to be successfully dealing with these problems. But the international standing of the United States itself is in decline. Long in the vanguard of progress, Britain and the United States are increasingly faced with complex and seemingly insoluble dilemmas at home and abroad. Meanwhile, other powers, in the East and West, flex their muscles, preparing to challenge America's superpower status. Beware of Europe the Euro is getting stronger Rome will Rise again ... I fear that day.


Lori Michaelson wrote:
 Totally agree with you there Dan!
I've said this before and I'll say it again ... If one has ever read The Rise and Fall of the Holy Roman Empire ... one will see that our nation is on that road of falling in much the same way.  We're falling apart from the inside out yet people go about their days as if in a blind ignorance OR THEY ARE ignorant by not educating themselves on the severity of the situation.
And the Roman Empire was around ALOT longer than OUR nation.  Our falling is not IF it will fall but WHEN.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 04/02/05 09:37:42
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] The blame game
  Mark, the united states is slowing going broke and it will without changes. How can everyone without insurance or any coverage all be kept alive ? Especially in long extended cases of coma and or brain damage. Modern medicine has got to the point where complete brain dead people can be kept alive 20 years if desired.In the meantime our society is going downhill, education is in trouble- healthcare-and on and on....Our deficet is in the Trillions and we pay hundreds of thousands just in intrest on it. If I need life support perhaps for a week or so but then let me go.....make way for the people and kids who need help with a chance of a long better life ahead of them.
                                                  Just my own opinion tho---             Dan

Martin T. Brown
Radical Mobility cc

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