Lori, me - you and a few others seem to be in the same boat - with the bladder and UTI'S and such. I am like you I seldom can clear it up totally anymore, must be on bladder walls as you mentioned. Can you tell me what a SENSITIVITY TEST is ? I have never had that done. I am aware that 4 types are very bad i was told.... one is what you have another I had about a year ago, its called PSEUADMONAS, I was hospitalized with that one, then did ok for about 6 months, after that problems all the time--at least i seldom get the chills or fever ( thank god )  And YES I agree this PLUS the syringomyelia Pains can be QUITE FRUSTRATING..... Thanks for telling me about Elavil, now at least I can sleep better at  night.  I guess we gotta keep positive and just fight on-- this site helps to know we are not alone in some of these things, and others are going thru some of the same problems.

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