Hi Bobbie,
Don't forget this new chair will be with you a few years, so don't buy anything you are not 150% satisfied with.  Find a vendor that knows your needs in a chair and will work with Medicare to see you get what you need in a good power chair.  Maybe this time the shopping for a new chair will get you back in good spirits!  :)
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA

I'm so bummed out, can't get myself back on track. then today my chair isn't holding a charge ~ ho hum.
  I'm in the market for a new power chair. This process ALWAYS kills me. I'm going for a recliner this time, I figured after 32 years I just should for my back.
  So, any do's or don'ts  All I have is Medicaid.
      bobbie  :(

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