I agree John,
At first I thought we were doing the right thing in Iraq because I trusted the President but now it seems it was just a way to make a bunch of his rich friends even richer mainly Haliburton.
8.8 Billion dollars have come up missing with little info on who or where it went.
They're learning from the best though and already learning how profitable politics can be.


-------Original Message-------
Date: 05/26/05 15:51:21
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] stem cell research
The morality of stem cell research doesn't seem much different than the morality of harvesting body parts from the dead. It would be nice if they wouldn't die, but those embryos that are being destroyed at fertility clinics will be used to help people, or at least try to help mankind. It isn't a proposal to dissect a baby as some people would have you believe.
We live in a country that considers the death penalty an option while sending an army into a war that established our belief in violent regime change, and all while talking about the sanctity of life. Pardon me if I find the leadership a bit inadequate in any argument regarding morality or ethics.
I've read about everything I can find on the subject of stem cell research. I don't want cloning of humans to be legalized. Should we stumble into that knowledge we can deal with it. At present the technology that seems most promising is the ability to help organs and tissues to regenerate in humans for the purpose of ending human suffering from existing diseases and conditions. I expect this new research to pose questions and problems but I never expected the government to stand at the doorway to a new science and tremble like a child on Halloween. It is un-American to behave the way our leaders in the executive have.

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