Hi Stuntman,
I understand the difference between PRIVATE and FEDERAL funding for research.  It's kind of like owning a PRIVATE Corvette and not putting FEDERAL gasoline in it.  It will look great in my driveway but won't get me on the road.
I hope you had a good Memorial Day!

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA 
Stuntman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Howdy Dave,
PRIVATE research can still make use of those, it's just not allowed
under FEDERAL funding.
I wish the same would be applied to abortions.
BTW all that money collected by the Reeve's foundation is PRIVATE so it
can make use of those types of stem cell sources.

> Hi Jim,
> I respect your views on not using embryos from IVF for embryonic stem
cell research IF in vitro fertilization treatments, which creates
excess human embryos in the first place, is also banned.
> The reality is that IVF HAS created thousands of cells that will be
discarded, and in my mind, simply discarding these cells without using
them for medical research is not ethical reasoning.
> With Love,
> CtrlAltDel aka Dave
> C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
> Texas, USA !
> Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
> At 01:50 PM 5/26/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> The morality of stem cell research doesn't seem much different than
the morality of harvesting body parts from the dead. It would be nice
if they wouldn't die, but those embryos that are being destroyed at
fertility clinics will be used to help people, or at least try to help
mankind. It isn't a proposal to dissect a baby as some people would
have you believe.
> I consider embryonic stem cell research using embryos from IVF more
like harvesting parts from a person in a comma or progressive
vegetative state, who previously did not consent to be an organ donor,
rather than from the dead because the embryo is living before the stem
cells are harvested. That is why I personally am against using
embryos "leftover" from IVF. So if Bush vetos the bill which just
pasted I'm fine with that.
> I think in vitro fertilization treatments, which creates excess human
embryos in the first place, should be ban also. If a couple can not
have baby then it's not meant to be and they can adopt. You probably
consider me someone with "extreme" views.
> I am against abortions but don't think it should outlawed either. It
should be a rarely considered procedure. I sure don't want it federally
> I personally do not have a problem with somatic cell nuclear
transfer. I think an embryo created from somatic cells are just a clump
of cells.
> Jim Lubin
> http://makoa.org/jlubin
> Quad-list Web Page: http://makoa.org/quadlist
> Spinal Cord Injury Resource Page: http://www.makoa.org/sci.htm

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