I hope I'm doing this right!
I've been injured for 13 years, C6.  Six months or so after my injury I had a procedure called mitrofanoff where the surgeon used my appendix to make a "tunnel" that goes from my belly button to my bladder.  So I cath via my navel.  Less chance for bacteria to be introduced, being that it's away from the vaginal area and all.  I can do it anywhere so long as I have a catheter, empty bottle and betadine swabs.  I have had my share of Utis and have minimized reoccurance (and symptoms which are enough without having the actual infection) by sticking to sterile catheters drinking lots of water and stuff and staying away from caffeine and taking cranberry capsules.

That's my experience.
Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine.
-Henry Miller

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