Hi Jim,
"So who is profiting from all the money being spent?"
That is the question that needs be be answered!  All the money in the world can be spent on research, but if the people that need the help aren't profiting from the research, it doesn't mean a thing. 

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA

Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
IF the president's policy, as YOU conclude, has nothing to do with anyone's beliefs but just greed to require other labs to use stem cell lines patented by UW then why limit federal funding? How does that put money into the pockets of friends of GWB? If the policy limited the use to those lines and increased federal funding to use those ES lines then your greed argument would make sense to me. But by limiting federal funding, as you pointed out, who is benefiting money wise?

The president's policy only put restrictions on those receiving federal funding. Researchers receiving state or private funding are free to use stem cell lines from any source their funding source allows.

While I personally don't think research should be done on embryos created from a human egg and sperm, I have decided I personally don't have a moral or ethical problem with s! tem cells derived using freshly harvested eggs and nuclear transfer technology. I don't consider that a human life.

I find it interesting that the South Korean scientist Hwang's research was funded with less than $200,000 a year. The cost was equivalent to about one hundredth of the funds that scientists in the United States work with on similar projects. So who is profiting from all the money being spent?

At 06:28 PM 8/9/2005, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I have been reading a lot about the stem cell arguments. I have tried to stay open minded and not jump to conclusions.
I was checking up some back grounds on positions regarding Embryonic Stem Cell research and ran into some interesting facts. Tommy Thompson helped to design the presidents policy on ES cells. He is a former governor of Wisconsin. University of Wisconson was the place where ES cell lines were first established in 1998. They were the first to patent the lines and processes to establish those lines. Tommy Thompson is a little more than an alumni of UW.
The way the presidents policy works is by requiring other labs to use existing stem cell lines which the University of Wisconsin has a near monopoly on. 
The ethical argument against ES cell research has nothing to do with anyone's beliefs. It is just greed. The government is using the religious right like a cheap hand puppet. Thi! s is about protecting UW 's patent.
The ethical question that the country is faced with is how do we get rid of such immoral and unethical people as this administration.
We are being milked like some stupid cow. Our money is going into the pockets of every friend GWB has ever had. He is killing American soldiers. He has elderly people going to Canada to get affordable meds. We are sending money overseas for oil faster than we can earn it.
By the way, there are no uncontaminated ES cell lines. Total federal spending on ES cell research to date, just under 10 million dollars.
The energy bill passed by congress has a provision to build a 250 million dollar bridge to an island where fewer than 50 people live.
The words "ethics, morality, and Washington DC" should never occur in the same sentence.

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