I guess that would be us.  Tell your friend I'm sorry and he isn't on my mail list.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA

MartianDon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Is everyone who knows her clicking 'reply to all' or what? I've gotten 5 or 6 messages today, all addressed to a Dana -that I don't even know...-????? Could someone please delete me from their lists? Thanx.

"David K. Kelmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Dana,
When a person disconnects their body's thermostat, the body doesn't automatically cool or warn-up anymore, so we have to control our body temps manually.  My average body temp is 96-97 but I do generate heat.  At night my body cools down when I'm asleep so I cover it up.  I use a medium blanket with a lighter 'airplane blanket' across my shoulders.  I use a 6" fan to move the air above my head when I sleep.  I can turn the fan off or on while lying down, and the 'airplane blanket' is easy to push off, so I'm ready for whatever my body decides to do at night.  Medication plays a big part in how your body feels.  I take a 5mg Diazepam before I go to bed, and I do my workouts when I wake-up in the morning.  I am a vivid dreamer and I am able to slip in and out of sleep without disrupting my rest.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA  

I have the same problem with being cold and piling on the blankets.  And then getting so hot, I feel like I'm going to burn up and my temperature actually goes up.  My normal temperature is between 9698, my temperature actually goes up.  The only  season I like is summer.  It is getting too cold for me already and it is only getting down to the 50s.  My arms hurt a lot because I can't stretch them out straight.  When I wake up I put weights on my wrists to stretch and that helps relieve the pain.  No one in the room is ever the same temperature as myself.  I take blankets and extra sweaters if I go anywhere.  It is just a battle most of the year with the temperature fluctuations in my body.  I also have trouble sleeping and have more 31 years.  What does everybody take for sleeping.  I've used Ambien for over 10 years and it isn't very effective at all.  Is there anything else to take.  I also ta! ke 2 .25 generic Xanax throughout the night.  I have read that these type of medication may not be covered by the new Medicare prescription plan.  I would really appreciate any suggestions on sleeping medicine that might work better for me.
Thank you so much for any of your suggestions.
Dana (C-4-5, 31 years post, 52, KC)

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