From the info I’ve read on AD, it is the number 1 cause of death in individuals with a SCI. The number 1 cause of unresolved AD was kidney stones.


Fortunately, most of Gabe’s specialists take it seriously. It’s the reg MDs and the nurses that don’t seem to have a clue. He carries an emergency sheet around in his back pack. I have attached a 4 page document on AD that his aides or docs can access in an emergency. I copied it out of the PVA book on SCI.


The problem is when you really need them to understand or know about it - the most important times – they know zip. Gabe suffers, risks serious damage- possibly death and we look into a blank face.


Now we try to go through the Rehab doc as much as possible. He says the other docs do not have a clue. They want us to call them when AD occurs regardless of the cause and they call the other doc.


When Gabe is in the hospital and everyone pales when we try and discuss that the foley kink and high BP are related I want to pull my hair out. One nurse helped out a couple of years ago. She pulled up the info on AD, printed it out and put it on the front of Gabe’s chart. Everyone had to see it. Still I can’t always control what’s on the front of a chart.


I think everyone should list their occupation as attorney. Maybe you’re just currently unemployed. My husband is an attorney and several docs somehow got the idea I was. I never said I was. I haven’t said I am. Who knows what could lurk in the mind of a women who is an attorney J and mighty pissed.


Best wishes on dealing with AD.



Gabe’s mom

10 yrs post C 4-5




Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 3:34 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] About A.D. = Autonomic Dysflexia


Error! Cannot read or display file.Error! Cannot read or display file.

AD is a life-threatening problem.  It can raise your blood pressure to where you can have severe strokes and heart damage.



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