I agree with the quality of life aspect. A person in our situation must take what medications he/she needs to be able to go on with life and face each day. Walking individuals cant understand these thoughts. Anyway I take lorezapam as needed (about 2-3 pills a day). This somehow knocks down the pain from the syrinx I have, and calms a person down as well. Upon investigating many medication on net it says drugs like valium and lorezapam do not induce weight gain which is good.  Three hundred pound quads arent very productive, lol.
I have a new theory I ask myself often.....if I walked tomorrow would I be proud of the past 8 years of facing my adversity....I answer myself with yes at this point....
                                                                                                 Ron c7
                                                                                                Going on 8 yrs post
                                                                                                29 years old from St. Louis
                                                                                               Rolled a Geo Tracker convert
                                                                                               Ended my short career as a
                                                                                               Police Officer.  

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