Hi Dave,
How deep and big was your sore.  Mine is not very big as it is deep.  They are definatly going to be doing some muscle reconstruction in there.  I have to admit I'm nervous.  I'm scared about going into a rehab hospital around here.  The care I hear is a lot worse than when I was there and then it was terrible.  The thing that benefited me was that I was eventually able to get up on my own towards the end but when I couldn’t dress myself or transfer, I was consistantly late to rehab.  Because I was more work than anyone else I was saved for last.  I wasn’t getting turned or woken up to turn for the first month or so when I was there.  It scares me to think that I have to be bed bound for such an amount of time and have that terrible care.  My friend and I sat and thought about all the nursing homes and rehabvcenters in the area and it is quite ugly to even think about it.  The last thing I want are some complications because the nurses aren't good or they are overworked.  I'm thinking of asking to get a prescription for a certain type of bed and stay home and have my neighbor help look after me and maybe look into meals on wheels.  I have a whole list of questions for my doctors.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, December 19, 2005 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] flap surgery

Hi Stacy,
It's nice to hear from you!  I am sorry that the wound vac didn't help much, and hope they are able to either get the wound to start healing from the bottom up so they can do the flap surgery.  Your down-time with the flap surgery will depend on the size of the flap.  I was on my face about 6 months after I had mine done, and had to ease back onto my bottom, but it was worth it.  I hope you are able to get it so you are able to start the road to getting out and start feeling better.  You have been in my thoughts and prayers.  Stay strong.

With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 29 Years Post
Texas, USA    

Stacy Harim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hey guys,
I haven't been around because my computer broke down of me.  I finally did get a lap top.  I have a guy from the health dept. that can get funding for me if I need to get rent or something paid for and he got the money for the lap top which is great because of all the time I am spending in bed. Unfortunatly the wound vac didn't help me at all.  The sore is healing from the sides but not the depth of the sore.  They just opened a wound care center here so I went because the plastic surgeon that opened up the tunnel isn't doing anything about the fact that the sore is not filling from the bottom.  They are saying could be osteomyelitis but I don't think so. There are no symptoms of an infection but I am seeing the infectious doctor there anyway to make sure.  The plastic surgeon is saying that he wants to do the flap surgery.  They did do a test and I think they are going to start the hyperbarrick chamber and see where that goes but I am very curious about the flap just to get it closed up.  What can I expect with this as far as healing time, how much longer am I going to stay in bed?  I’m gaining weight because I'm not getting any exercise in here and it's getting very depressing.  I live alone and don't have many friends left since I got sick.  The ones that I do have are married and busy with their families so I cant blame them.  I just want to get healed.  Is the flap the best way to go at this point?  Your advice is greatly appreciated.

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