Holy crap! sorry about the pun but maybe too many stimulants?? It could very well be the things you are eating that make it harder to digest....
I said BP are odd 1st topic Wheelchair! haha

Steve Wickwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
O.K. Guys,
This is my first real post. My bowel program used to take about an hour with dig-stim every 5 min. I've since then had to change attendants and sometimes now it lasts up to three hours now! My procedure is as follows:
(Metamucil every morning/night, stool softner morning/night, 4 senekot evening before program
1. Magic Bullet in bed and stretch/wait 10 min.
2. Hot Water to drink
3. transfer to shower chair over commode
4. attendant dig-stim. every 5 min till done (sometimes 3 hours)
5. Few accidents, but she's rippin me up!
What can I do to speed up process? Changes I can make? Things to try? Any suggestions would help tremendously....

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