Hello and welcome!

If, as you say "she's tearing me up"  then that could be part of the problem.  Perhaps the stool isn't coming down because you have bleeding tissue inside your rectum.  For me the less stim the better, but I'm also able to bear down by breathing hard too.

This is probably the single most frustrating and uncomfortable aspect of life in a chair, at least it is for me.


O.K. Guys,
This is my first real post. My bowel program used to take about an hour with dig-stim every 5 min. I've since then had to change attendants and sometimes now it lasts up to three hours now! My procedure is as follows:
(Metamucil every morning/night, stool softner morning/night, 4 senekot evening before program
1. Magic Bullet in bed and stretch/wait 10 min.2. Hot Water to drink
3. transfer to shower chair over commode
4. attendant dig-stim. every 5 min till done (sometimes 3 hours)
5. Few accidents, but she's rippin me up!
What can I do to speed up process? Changes I can make? Things to try? Any suggestions would help tremendously....

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