I take a generic detergent style(not the senna) stool softener everyday. I take 2 sennas the night before the bowel regime because of it's laxative effect. The only time I have problems is when I take antibiotics. For this reason I take acidopholus capsules. This keeps my stool formed and I rarely get a diarhea type problem. If you are on pain meds they can disrupt your routine and cause constipation because most of them stop or decrease paristalsys, the muscular contractions that move food through your intestines. Fibre capsules and green leafy vegies are great for you. Drink plenty of water, but use common sense.
About the digi stim, I think that can be overdone and cause hemmoroids. All of us have different techniques and whatever works for you is the best. Good luck,
In a message dated 4/10/2006 8:00:35 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
NO! or the urge hangs around...

Stacy Harim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Those of you that don't go every day, do you still take stool softners every day?
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 1:27 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Never Ending Bowel Program

I don't have any problems with my bowel routine, but I go every day.  I take 4 fiber capsules a day and 2 stool softeners and try to eat veggies and fruits daily, plus lots of water.  I use the magic bullet also and get in my commode/shower chair about five minutes after I have the suppository inserted.  Then I start going about 15 minutes later.  I'm usually all done going it 20-30 minutes.  After my shower, I get back into bed and have a digital just to make sure the bullet got everything out.  Most of the time it does.  So my advice, would be to try taking more fiber and try going every day and don't do the digital stim in the commode chair because of the pressure from sitting.  Wait until you get into bed and go on your side after 45 minutes or so on the commode.  That should save your rectum from a getting so "ripped" up.
Good luck!
Corie, C4-5, incomplete, 12 1/2 yrs. post

Steve Wickwar wrote:
O.K. Guys,
This is my first real post. My bowel program used to take about an hour with dig-stim every 5 min. I've since then had to change attendants and sometimes now it lasts up to three hours now! My procedure is as follows:
(Metamucil every morning/night, stool softner morning/night, 4 senekot evening before program
1. Magic Bullet in bed and stretch/wait 10 min.
2. Hot Water to drink
3. transfer to shower chair over commode
4. attendant dig-stim. every 5 min till done (sometimes 3 hours)
5. Few accidents, but she's rippin me up!
What can I do to speed up process? Changes I can make? Things to try? Any suggestions would help tremendously....

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