I have Medicare backed up by Humana Gold Plus.  Last year I was paying $84 per month and this year they qualified me at zero dollars per month.  The only medication that I am on at this time is baclofen and my co-pay is $10 per prescription.  When I am prescribe antibiotics, my co-pay remains at $10 per prescription.  So far my largest out-of-pocket costs are medical equipment i.e. mattresses, wheelchair etc. Sometimes finding the right Dr. for certain surgeries could be a hangup.  If it is an emergency any doctor will do providing the hospital/doctor notifies the insurance company or primary care doctor as soon as possible.  All of my medical supplies have been covered 100%.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dillon Ewa
Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 9:07 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Prescription drug plan

Have all you signed up for the new prescription drug plan?  I am in the process but want to know if any of you decided to keep your original Medicare coverage or have you decided to enter into an HMO or PPO and two also receive your prescription drug coverage through these companies.

I only have the original Medicare plan right now but am suspicious about the possibility that if I switch to an HMO or PPO I might be dropped from coverage because of expenses due to my disability and more importantly because of my disability.  Are any of you using an HMO for your medical coverage and how has the gone?  Have your premiums remained affordable and has your medical treatments suggested by your doctor been approved by your HMO's?
I know Medicare must accept my coverage and hospitals must accept all treatments I need but I am very suspicious about switching to other insurance companies.

I would appreciate any and all comments any of you have that might help me make my decision concerning the new prescription drug plan
Houston809 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I don’t know if he lied. But if he did guess I’ll have 2 go see him again. :) Prince isn’t or hasn’t gone Christian 3121 not as rowdy as 1999 but far from Christian. Still vintage PRINCE a true musical genius.

On 5/3/06 4:14 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If he lied, it was his last one since turning to Ultra Christian.  He had denounced his past music and has advanced his new agenda to a much higher level.  That's the person formerly known a P-rince.
In a message dated 5/3/2006 3:25:42 PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Thnx Dave as the saying goes 90%  of break-ins is by someone that’s been there B4. My daughters mother & her  boyfriend did it :(
I truly enjoyed concert. Prince said was final tour. I  think he lied tho.

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