Have you heard of the Tibetan monks who hang out in monasteries and get all 'tuned' in to God and the ultimate 'spirit' and in doing so can walk on hot coals without getting burned and can levitate because they are so 'spiritual'?  Wouldn't it be interesting to sever one of their nerves and see how well that heals?  I think they would have similar results as you and me.  Now I'm going to go concentrate on healing......  OOOOOMMMMMM.
In a message dated 6/11/2006 6:50:51 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Ah, yes...

I believe this reaction/ view is a denial state because most people think An SCI will NEVER  happen to them. It reminds me of being a kid and having my Mom say "Don't do THAT  or you will fall and break your neck!"
Well after climbing hundreds of trees, hanging upside down from the monkey bars, and mountain climbing, I just sneezed at the wrong time and roplled a car. DEED DONE...

THEN, I married an Assembly of God member who told me (after several years) that I could be healed if only I HAD ENOUGH FAITH. My response to that was that since He believed in intercessory prayer, perhaps it was HIS faith that was weak. I believe that God will do his will in our lives, not ours. I still believe this and my Ex-husband was part of Gods plan, not mine.

Peace to you all,

Tracy (29 yrs as a Quad)     and still Rollin'
Dave www.daveoconnell.com c3-inc-1967

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