Damn Stacy I'm so sorry this happened to you.
I hope whatever you do works this time.
Do you think an ILC is an option?
-------Original Message-------
Date: 06/23/06 09:16:47
Subject: [QUAD-L] flap incision pulled
My nightmare came true.
There was a lot of drainage to the flap where the incision was made so the doctor takes out a staple to allow that drainage to come out.  It gets worse.  I now have a larger hole in my butt than I had before.  It's a different one because it pulled apart.  I'm now dealing with a 5cm long and 5cm deep wound in the back of my leg that is putting in more pain than the other sore ever did.  So what do I have to do? Wet to dry and wait for it to fill in.  Nursing will only come a few times a week now and less each week.  It hurts too bad to touch it myself so I guess back to the hospital I go.  A nursing home most likely and God knows for how long.  I'm at a loss and don't know what to do. 
Has this happened to anyone else? If so how did you get the care for the dressing changes if you stayed home.  Medicare won't pay for daily nursing care.  I'm concerned about the healing time and my check being taken away after I am there awhile.  This will not be a quick healing process at all. If I am in a facility more than a couple/few months, they take the check to offset the costs, leaving me to fend for myself. 
I am pissed off as hell that I got this flap surgery to only have it be replaced by a larger and more painful wound.  I didn't think there could be more pain involved but I was wrong.  There is no flap to fix this flap.  I just have to wait and hope it heals sometime soon otherwise more time off of school, more depression, and who knows what else this new wound will bring with it.

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