I honestly would get up if it didn't hurt so damn bad.  All I can do is just cry sometimes because pain medicine doesn’t work for it.  The only ting that worked was when I had daludid sp? through IV.  I have it by pill now and it doesn't even touch the pain.  I don't know if it can be surgically fixed and there are only two plastic surgeons that do this type of surgery in the area.  Hopkins is a few hours away but I don't know if I can sit on it long enough to get there truthfully.  I'm going to give this a lil bit of time and see if there are any signs of healing.  I also have a list of questions growing for the doctor so we'll have to see what happens.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 24, 2006 3:57 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] flap incision pulled

Lol, no, sorry. wax paper wouldn't work either. We could begin with maggots then slap a chaw of tobacco on it, I just didn't wanna scare stacy. lol I honestly believe it would work better than any wet to dry BS.
I stick with the roll of white wrapping paper. It is made with a bleaching process that makes it relatively clear of bacteria. When I use the microscope I don't see any bacteria growth on it.Even after contaminated bacteria deasn't multiply on it like it will on a telfa pad. If it bothers you to use it then ignore it. Wet to dry anti-bacterial dressings will usually kill tissue, not promote growth. You will be back for more surgery. I can't say I heal up fast but I haven't stayed in bed because of a sore since '78 when I spent 5 months playing with wet to drys and resulted in surgery that required another 6 weeks and I healed much faster than I do now.
Stacy, I would try anything to keep from staying in bed. I don't know what would heal your wound fastest but please don't give up on remedies that allow you to have a life.try miracle mist on the wound and bag balm on areas that are carrying weight while it heals.
The very first book I ever read about wound care began with, "don't let the wond get too wet or too dry." i got the book from a doctor that prompty prescribed batadine wet to dry twice a day.
Whatever you try remember to get pressure off of it.
good luck
P.S. My crappy cure works for me.
In a message dated 6/23/2006 5:00:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Will brown paper bag work? 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2006 11:57 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] flap incision pulled

Dear stacy,
Doctors say my advice is crazy but it works for me. Don't use wet to drys. these cause the wound to get too wet and then become too dry. Both are exactly what you do not want. use very small amount of mild anti bacterial salve. (if you can get regranex, it is great, but it is so hard to get people that can use it and not introduce a new infection, esp. nurses. The only sterile thing you ask of them and they will ruin a $400 tube on the second shot.)  Get some thin paper. Not gause and not typing paper but like bakery wrapping paper to cover the woumnd when you must sit on it. Any ointment, even vaseline will holl hold it in place. (it breathes and it keeps out debris). Never pack the wound. As often as u can use a small fan to circulate air by the wound. i wrap my fan with cheesecloth to catch any dust. You don't want it to dry out completely but you want it to be comfortably dry and eventually form a scab. You don't need a nurse but an intelligent person helps alot. My ades do it in spite of state laws. When u get up, take a foam pad and place it in ur chair seat. After a few hours get out and have your ade cut away the area that has drainage on it and a little extra. This way you will have the cut out where you need it.
If your drainage is really excessive, make up 1/4 strength dakin's solution. 21 parts water to 1 part clorox with a pinch of baking powder. Wet some very thin gause and place it against the tissue then use the fan to dry it. after an hour get rid of it and let the fan do its thing for another hour if you can stand it. this can be done 3 times a day for a week. A lot depends on how much you can take. Remember, your mental health is as important as the wound. Get out of the bed and go out!
If you can take being off that wound, and the doctor considers it a candidate for a surgery, just remove any dead or at risk tissue and transplant tissue from the front of your leg. You can even get skin from there if you need it. Talk to more than one doctor. The skin on ur butt is not what it use to be  It is thin, not as elestic and heals poorly. I buy cheap pillows to put in my bed when I must spend time on my side. I'm just afraid that if I don't get out of bed, one day, I won't ever get up again.
Love and Peace,
In a message dated 6/23/2006 10:16:47 AM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
My nightmare came true.
There was a lot of drainage to the flap where the incision was made so the doctor takes out a staple to allow that drainage to come out.  It gets worse.  I now have a larger hole in my butt than I had before.  It's a different one because it pulled apart.  I'm now dealing with a 5cm long and 5cm deep wound in the back of my leg that is putting in more pain than the other sore ever did.  So what do I have to do? Wet to dry and wait for it to fill in.  Nursing will only come a few times a week now and less each week.  It hurts too bad to touch it myself so I guess back to the hospital I go.  A nursing home most likely and God knows for how long.  I'm at a loss and don't know what to do. 
Has this happened to anyone else? If so how did you get the care for the dressing changes if you stayed home.  Medicare won't pay for daily nursing care.  I'm concerned about the healing time and my check being taken away after I am there awhile.  This will not be a quick healing process at all. If I am in a facility more than a couple/few months, they take the check to offset the costs, leaving me to fend for myself. 
I am pissed off as hell that I got this flap surgery to only have it be replaced by a larger and more painful wound.  I didn't think there could be more pain involved but I was wrong.  There is no flap to fix this flap.  I just have to wait and hope it heals sometime soon otherwise more time off of school, more depression, and who knows what else this new wound will bring with it.

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