One time when a car dealer did me wrong, I wrote a nasty letter to them and CCd their competition, their management, three local TV stations and GM in Detroit.  Never heard from the others but the dealer fell over himself to make things right.
In a message dated 7/12/2006 2:25:50 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Transportation, is a very touchy subject in many communities, even today.  With revenues down to almost nothing and communities expenses going up, its difficult for most any community to address accessible transportation issues that were mandated almost 10 years ago.
But that alone doesn't release them from their responsibility to provide equal transportation to those and for those with adaptive needs.  Ofcourse, we know that the squeaky wheel gets the most oil.  This is where your Federally Funds Community Action and Centers for Independent Living are your best experts on local transportation services.  Contact them 1st.  They have the necessary expertise, funding and knowing the lawyers who will protect your best interest.  It may not be easy.  It may not be resolved overnight.  But you have to start somewhere.  Contact your local CIL.
Best Wishes
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 3:02 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] question

Call for a cab. I believe that cab companies need to provide disabled cabs. Anybody know for sure about cab companies? 
On Jul 11, 2006, at 12:24 PM, Tim Thompson wrote: 
> Ever tried thumbing a ride? 
> ;^P 
> I "tried". 
> Stunt 

> On 7/11/06, rawilson7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>> I would like to find out how others handle some situations. I have >> been 
>> turned down by community transportation I applied because my lift >> in my Van 
>> needs repair and it's not safe to use. Community transport denied >> me saying 
>> I had access to a Van. I've explained over and over the lift is in >> need of 
>> repair and I'm on a limited income and cannot afford the repairs. >> Their 
>> position is that it's not their problem and I must use private >> transport. 
>> I've called one private company to arrange a trip to the doctor >> and back and 
>> was told the trip would cost me $740. For a 16 mile trip. I >> haven't tried 
>> private ambulance yet that's next. 
>> I decided to use my own transportation till it leaves me stranded. My 
>> question is does anyone have any ideas about how one could get >> themselves 
>> home when personal transportation breaks down? 
>> Austin 
>> C4-5 
>> boat accident 1998 


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