I can imagine a little, given that I looked previously for this information and gave up a long time ago.  It is amazing how you are consistently able to come up with this type of data within a short amount of time.  Perhaps you might give me the secret one day.

You can't begin to imagine what you put me thru to get this information on such a short notice but here's the nutshell.
Special Care Delivery was the hospital arm of a company called SCD Industries, IN in Carrollton, Tx.  They sold the RT2000 Overlay Mattress system with a SC Mattress with turning overlay theraderm comforter.  They were purchased by Pneu-Care who also manufactured the RT2000.  They in turn were purchased by Cardio Systems and currently by a company called ASI Medical Equipment at the same Carrollton, TX address.
I talked with Billie Davis at 800-527-0443 who actually builds the overlays for several companies.  He mentioned that he didn't think the material you have can  be fixed but needed more information,  so please...... plez call him.
This is the best I could do the with what you provided.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 8/1/2006 2:12:19 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
According to what I can decipher it is Special Care Delivery.  The model number is RT-2000.  I bought this mattress used approximately 10 years ago and I haven't had much success in locating the company.  It is very similar to the mattresses they use here at the VA in Tampa and in fact one of the representatives here said it is one of the more durable products.
Billy from Tampa

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